Data infrastructure that unlocks your next stage of growth

Free yourself and your teams from the burden of data source integration, transformation and management and focus on what matters most: your customers.



Integrations with private & public data sources.


Data fetching and querying

24 hours

Turnaround time for new integrations.


Support for all your data source integration needs.

Offload your entire data integration life cycle in minutes

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Simplified SDK allows seamless programmatic integration for your developers

Whether it's an API, BLOB storage, or a custom database, OpenLake's JSON based query allows you to easily access all of them uniformly.

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Let data work for you

At OpenLake, we believe data should accommodate the software. And developers should never have to spend time on data source integration and ETL pipeline management.

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Trusted across industries and sectors

Automating and populating a pipeline with quality data is a challenging problem that consumes more than 80% of a data engineer’s time. OpenLake has a strong offering that I have used extensively and I am impressed.
Engaging with data from the government is an often tedious process, The team at OpenLake is committed to streamlining this process to enhance citizen rights to freedom of information, improve inter-government communication, and empower policy makers to make data-driven decisions
OpenLake will revolutionize the way that businesses and consumers engage with their data is an efficient, practical, and thoughtful manner. Their software will save companies vast amounts of time and money, paving the way for digital innovation
AI/ML Models and Data-Driven insights are only as good as the data they use. Unfortunately, people tend to focus more on models. Getting the data right is the messy part of the equation. OpenLake solves that problem, at its source. They not only make data engineers more productive, but make the data analysts and scientists look like superheroes!

Off load your workflow today